SHHHH! You have arrived at Miss Edith's spoiler page. Everything divulged here is strictly a rumor, so do not take everything as truth. Here you can find information about the much anticipated third season and news about the mysterious Angel , the spin off. If you have any rumors you would like to share, please e-mail me.


My boy's coming home!!! Spike will return (Drusilla-less :\) on the November 24th episode entitled "Lover's Walk". YAY!!! Here are some spoilers for a couple of upcoming episodes

Revelations, airing November 17th: - As the gang rages against Buffy after learning of Angel's true whereabouts, a disappointed Giles works w/Faith's new stern Watcher (Serena Scott Thomas) to stop a glove-hunting demon that may be the one thing that redeems - or finally kills - the lonely vampire.

Lover's Walk, airing November 24th: -Just as Buffy enjoys a minute to revel in her S.A.T. scores and ponder her bright future, the underworld version of Sid Vicious, Spike, returns to Sunnydale a fallen man, a pathetic shell of his former self who has been left in the dust by his love Drusilla and is back to punish every one who is to blame, especially Angel

Possibly a future episode: "Slash" a.k.a. "Slash in Blood" - Buffy's new boyfriend Scott will become a demon. He will be taking after Angel's evil persona. He will claim the title Slash. Buffy and Scott will be very close. But when he gets drunk one night, Scott is alone in the park and gets jumped by a vampire and then turned into one. He won't reveal his new identity until much later. He will be confused until then. First he will call it off with Buffy, then he will propose to her. He really does'nt want to marry her and is merely playing with her mind. No word on what she will say to the proposal though.


§ Some information on the first three episodes .....


The season premire will air Sept. 29. Buffy will be back in Sunnydale "post haste". She will have been gone all summer. The first ep written by Joss Whedon will deal with homelessness. Buffy will be living in a new town under the name "Anne". She's trying to escape being the slayer, but vampires come there too. The Slayerettes have to take over the slayer roll until Buffy gets back. Oz didn't attend enough classes to graduate. He'll repeat his senior year at Sunnydale High.

Dead Man's Party

Principal Snyder(Armin Shimerman) dies. Dead, but not gone. Snyder will be undead, playing "a zombie or something".

Faith, Hope, and Trick

The season three villian, Mr. Trick is introduced. He's a bit of an entrepreneur, and he's a little bit of old world meets high tech. He goes by the plan and not on impulses, making him an "anti-Spike". Because Kendra died, there will be another slayer, named Faith. She's also introduced in Faith, Hope and Trick. The new slayer is played by Eliza Dushku. She played the daughter in "True Lies". Her Watcher has been killed and she apparently doesn't know who to turn to. She will bring with her some "not so nice people" that have been chasing her. Apparently, she also has some major attitude problems. Wanna know what she looks like? Go to http://members.xoom.com/ElizaDushku/epbimages/dushkulove20.jpg

§ Also, Buffy will have a new boyfriend. His name is Scott, and they will share major "kissage." Willow and Oz will also, and all this smooching will take place at school. Another interesting little thing I've heard is that when Angel gets out of hell, he will no longer be inlove with Buffy (gasp!)


§ I have the names of the first three episodes. The premiere is called "Anne" (apparently because Buffy changes her name). The next two episodes are called "Dead man's Party" and "Hope, Faith, and Mr. Trick" (I have no idea why, although the third one is supposed to have something to do with the new Slayer).


§ Spike and Drusilla are supposed to be returning . Apparently, they will be in New York City, but will have to return to Sunnydale for reasons that are unknown at this point.

§ Seth Green, better known as Oz, will be returning as a regular cast member in the third season. There will be an episode revolving around his werewolfism. Also, Amy the witch will continue to appear

§ Because of Kendra's death in Becoming, a new Slayer will be called. The role has already been cast, and the girl is supposed to really resemble Sarah Michelle Gelar.

§ Giles has an encounter with some mystery woman, Joyce will struggle to accept Buffy's slaying duties, and more will be revealed about Snyder and the Mayor.

§ Jaime Kennedy (he played Randy in Scream 1 and 2) will appear as a recurring character. His character is unclear at this point. The two possible things I have heard are that he will either be Buffy's boyfriend or a vampire that is more powerful than Spike and Dru and the Master.

§ And of course the biggie - the status of Angel. We have been told that Angel is not dead, but mearley in Hell. I'm guessing that the 'Slayerette's' will find a way to bring him back, because after all, he is getting his own show. Buffy herself will also return to Sunnydale. The third season opener is said to touch on homelessness, as Buffy will spend the summer on her own. New episodes start on September 29th.


Kill off Angel? Place all those doubts in the back of your minds kiddies. Angel (played by that 27 year old beefcake David Boreanaz) is not only not dead, but Joss is giving our care bare like vampire his own show. Angel is due to premiere in the fall of '99 and will be set in Los Angelus (huh). This show will also feature the characters of Spike, Drusilla, and ...Cordelia??? There is also a lot of room for BTVS cross overs. Also, the character Whistler (seen in Becoming) will also recure frequently in the show. It is suspected that the show wll take place when he took Angel to L.A. to watch Buffy.

The Latest on "Angel" from Ultimate TV (July 18. 1998):

Buffy's vampire beau Angel, played by David Boreanaz, 27, gets his own spinoff next midseason. Seems the good/bad vampire, who was slayed by Buffy on the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" season finale, will be back for part of next season, but then will head to Los Angeles. Cordelia, the cheerleader played by Charisma Carpenter, becomes Angel's sort of "gal Friday," according to Boreanaz, who talked to TV reporters in Pasadena Friday. The hunka actor, sporting little blue sun shades, also discussed his instant fame, explaining that the business of Hollywood is something you don't want...to invade your well being." In fact, though the actor had several script offers, he opted to travel to South Africa on his hiatus to get away from it all. In the "Buffy" spinoff, Boreanaz says Angel will travel to the other Hellmouth, and that crossover with "Buffy" cast members is likely. it's going to be very very interesting," says Boreanaz, of his own series. "I'm looking forward to it." "I want them to come to my show," Boreanaz says of the notorious pair of vampires Drusilla (Juliet Landau) and Spike (James Marsters). Boreanaz adds that he's spoken to series creator Joss Whedon and that "The two of them will definitely be on the show because of my (Angel's) relationship with Drusilla."


"David Boreanaz appeals to every woman that I've ever met," says Joss Whedon. The creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer tells our Susan Campbell Beachy that Angel, Boreanaz's brooding character, will star in his own series in the fall of 1999. "Angel will be leaving Buffy and Sunnydale and moving to Los Angeles, that other notorious hell mouth," Whedon jokes. While some Buffy characters will cross over, the new series "will reach for an older demographic," Whedon says. "Buffy is about the pain of being a teenager, and Angel is about the pain of adulthood."

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