Damn,it's been like forever since I've updated. But, the answer to the million dollar question is : Yes, I am still alive. I have just been busy with school and stuff. Also, Tripod hasn't been to co-operative with
me lately. Anyway, lot's of updates. Two new fanfics by Julia are up- and I fixed the link to her website. There are spoilers on three new episodes up (Including the one where Spike returns - yes, I'm so excited!!!). I
have Spike Chat up and running in the Tea Party Section. Finally, I have a new address. So if you don't want to have to type out the big long tripod one, you can
use instead. There is more coming, including a totally reorganized link section and an interactive story!!
P.S. - If you want to support me finacially, and you have a thing for the lotto, I just joined a program that allows you to buy lottory tickets over the net. For more info, see the banner ad at the bottom of the main page
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