Spike is perhaps one of the most vicious vampires to come to the Hell Mouth (and the cutest)
He makes his appearence in the Episode School Hard with Drusilla at his side. Spike (formerly
William the Bloody) got his name because he used to torture people with railroad
spikes. In the episode School Hard, we also find out the Angel was
Spike's sire too. Spike has killed two vampire slayers in his time, and is not
shy about letting Buffy know.
Spike is a "no rules" kind of guy. He dusts the anointed one, and declares there will be
a little less tradition and more fun. Unfortunately for Spike, he was crushed by an organ in the episode
"What's my Line" (part two). We saw in Surprise and Innocence that poor Spike is in a wheel chair! When Angel loses his soul
and moves into the warehouse with Spike and Dru (until he gets it burned down and they have to move) Spike really begins to hate him. He's moving in on Drusilla,
overthrowing his authority, and generally invading his home. When Spike regains the full use of his legs he keeps it a secret. He strikes a deal with Buffy, and he helps her
beat him up so he can have Dru back. The last we saw of him he was in his car with an unconcious Drusilla heading out of Sunnydale.
James' acting background stems mostly from work in the theater. It's a pretty impressive
background at that, if I do say so myself, and I do, so there. James has trained at Julliard, PCPA,
and the American Conservatory Theatre.James has embarked upon a number of
adventrues into Shakespeare land, among them "Troilus and Cressida" and "Twelfth Night" (at
Julliard in New York). He has also appeared in the work another renowned playwright, Tennesee
Williams' "Camino Real." While in Chicago, James worked at the Goodman Theatre, where he
appeared in "Tempest" and "Red Noses." He also played in the "The Normal Heart" at the Next
Theatre. Perhaps drawing him to the punky-alternative look of Spike, James has worked in Seattle
in the American Conservatory Theatre's productions of "Handing Down the Names" and "Voices in
the Dark." As far as television work goes, prior to his role. James appeared in episodes of "Moloney", "Northern
Exposure", and "Medicine Ball." He also snagged starring roles in "Common Ground" and
"Smokeless Tobacco."
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