Title: A Long Time Coming
Author: Northlight
email: uzenet@videotron.ca
Spoilers: Becoming, Part 2
Summary: Spike as he's hitting Angelus (I loved that part! < g
Note: This is it, my *last* Becoming Fic. Four is enough. I
Disclaimer: They aren't mine.
She's here. The Slayer.
The muscles in my legs tense as I prepare myself for what is to come. I wait until she's finished speaking, her words a perfect opening for my entrance back into the world of the walking.
The bar is in my hands within moments after I rise to my feet. There is no hesitation whatsoever as I bring it down on Angel's head.
Bloody stupid fool!
Thinks that he can waltz back into our lives, all nice and soulless, and pick up where we left off?
Where he left off with Dru!?
She's mine! Mine!
Angelus may have been the one to snap her mind, he may have been the one to change her, but she is mine! I am the one who has looked after her all these years! I am the one who protected her, and cared for her. I was the one who helped her regain her strength! I have suffered the loss of my legs for her!
And what has he done for her? Nothing!
She's mine! He will not take her away from me! I will not allow it!
I bring the bar down on him again. The frustrations of all these years power my blows.
I've been wanting to do this for a _long_ time. I figure it's about time I got it all out.
Damn, this feels good!
End :)