Subject: Spike Fanfiction Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 12:23:37 -0700 From: (mai n. vang) To: ( I'm a huge fan of General Hospital and also of Buffy the vampire slayer so I decided to add some characters with some characters like in this story, the two main characters are Robin Scorpio and of course, Spike. At first, I decided to put Brenda Barret as one of the two main characters in this story, but thought again that she belongs with that hottie mobster, Sonny Corinthos. So since Robin is single at the moment and is my next favorite character, I decided to put her in my storyline. Thank you for wasting your time with this little portion here. On to the story.) "I GUESS I'LL SEE YOU NEXT LIFETIME" PART ONE It starts out as a nice quiet night on the docks around 8:00 pm. Spike stood on the docks lighting up a cigarette. He inhaled then exhaled and watched the water splashing against each other. Watching the water with a cigarette in his hand drowned all his problems away. Spike had just finished eating an hour ago and already he was starting to get a little hungry again so he turned to go to the nearest club there to hunt for the little pretties. As he walked away he threw his almost finished burning cigarette to the floor of the docks and heard a girl's voice say to him softly, "You know, littering is against the law." Spike stood there his back to her and let out a little chuckle, *I guess dinner came to me instead* he thought. He turned around to face her and said "Well, I'm not one to follow the laws". "Okay then, I guess it was none of my business to tell you that in the first place and it isn't my problem" she replied then turned to walk away, but stopped and said to him, "Are you new around here?" He replied,"Well, if I said, I was, would you show me around?" "Well, first off, do you have a name?" she said innocently with a smile. "Spike". "Glad to meet you, Mr. Spike, I'm Robin." she said as she reached out her hand to meet his. As their hands touched she said, "Your hands are so cold, you must be freezing." "Yeah, something like that." Spike replied. Spike: You know, it's not safe to be walking around here at a night like this, do you want me to escort you home? Robin: Yeah, I'd like that. Spike: Well then, let's move right along now. Robin gigled and they both started walking back to hers and Brenda's cottage. Meanwhile, in an old abandoned warehouse back in Sunnydale...................................... With her fingers to her temples, her knees buckled and she fell to a chair, and Angelus ran to her side. Angel: What is it Dru? Dru: Spike, I can see Spike.... he is with some girl and he's not planning on eating her anytime soon.... She began to sob and said"Angel, what if she becomes Spike's princess, what will I be? Angel just gave her a look on his face that said, "So?" She stopped crying and talked in an evil tone. Dru: you....... you don't understand, but Miss Edith will.(She started calling out Miss Edith's name with hope in her voice like she's going to accomplish an easy mission. She ran to the dresser and picked up the doll.) Miss Edith, we're going to have a party and little- Miss- Spike's-new-princess is going to be the host. She gave out a low evil laugh as the candles burned down. ****************************************************** Robin: Thanks for walking me home Spike. Spike: Anytime luv. Robin giggled and said "Your accent is really sexy." Spike gave her a smile that totally melted her then looked up at the sky. He looked back at her beautiful face then took her delicate warm hand and raised it to his lips and kissed it gently. Robin smiled at him and started to blush. Spike: I gotta go now, big day tomorrow. Robin: Will I see you again? Spike smiled at her and replied, "As long as the stars shine high in the sky, you can count on it. "Good night... Spike." Robin said as if she didn't want it to end. Spike said the same and walked away. Robin went inside and locked the door. She leaned on the door thinking and reliving the moment Spike kissed her hand. Just then Brenda ran downstairs quickly and ran straight to Robin with a big smile on her face. Brenda: So tell me everything!!!! Robin: What do you mean? (with a big smile also) Brenda: That cute guy who walked you back here. I saw everthing! And it looks like the beginning of a new relationship!!! Robin: Brenda, you're exaggerating. It was nothing, but just a little kiss on the hand.(Still with a big smile and is almost gigling) Brenda: This calls for a celebration!!!!!!!!! They both ran upstairs gigling and by the looks of Robin, it seems like Spike has stolen her heart. As Spike was walking down the road to his warehouse, he started thinking to himself that this girl looks like the beginning of a new future. He definitely has plans for her, sweet and tasteful plans. From a block away, there was a limosine folowing him. A man with dark blond hair opened the window and looked out. He dialed a number on his cell phone and said,"Benny, get me all the info you can find on this Spike Guy." Meanwhile back at the cottage Robin is sleeping. She is having a dream. In her dream, she and Spike are walking in the park in the warm afternoon. Spike wrapped his arms around her waste and tilted his head down to kiss her. Robin was smiling in the dream. Their lips were about to touch when someone interupted them. they both looked up and saw Jason Morgan, Robin's ex-boyfriend. Jason yelled, "NO Robin! Stay away from him he's not what he seems!!! Jason took out his gun and Robin yelled for him to stop, but nothng came out of her mouth. Jason pulled the trigger and the silver bullet shot deep into Spike's heart. Robin catched him as he fell. He looked up at her and smiled. "I guess I'll see you next lifetime." Spike said. Two seconds later and he turned to dust flying along with the wind. A single tear rolled down her cheek then she looked to where Jason was, but he wasn't there anymore, no one was there except her. She was standing alone in the world of a big white nothing. She started hearing Brenda's voice saying loudly and deafening " Robin, where ever you are right now, please come back to us. I don't know if I can live without you. Please come back lil' sis." Just then Robin woke up. She slowly opened her eyes and saw what was still a big white nothing, only this time, it had a good feeling to it. Robin: Am I in heaven? Brenda: (Smiling and crying at the same time) Robin, I'm so glad you woke up, your Uncle Mac and the rest of us were so afraid you wouldn't make it!" Robin: What are you talking about, what happened , where am I? Mac: Shhh. Now you just get your rest. Don't try to get up. You're at GH, you've been in a fatal car accident and you've been here for days. Robin: Where's Spike? Where's Jason? Mac: OH Spike. He left 3:00 this morning and Jason's outside. You know, this Spike guy seems okay, but what kind of parents name their son Spike anyhow? Robin: (Giggle) Uncle Mac, it's just probably a nickname. Mac: Well I'm gonna let you sleep now okay so if you need anything, I'm going to be right outside that door okay? Robin: Alright Uncle Mac. Mac left and Brenda came to her side. Brenda: Hey, how are you feeling? Robin: Like a knife slashed my heart out. Brenda:(gigling) Well, I"m just glad you're alright. Now don't you ever do that to me again you hear me? You made my heart jump into my throat! Robin: (smiles) Don't worry, I wont. Brenda: Well then, I'm gonna let you rest also, and don't worry, Spike's coming back! Robin: He is???? When? Brenda: Tonight. He's a hottie, dont let him go, keep him for all eternity! Robin: I'll try (Smiles) Brenda kisses Robin's forehead and walks out the door. Just then, Robin starts groaning and rubs her sore neck. There was something wet and sticky on the right side of her neck, she reached to where the wet stuff was and touched it. She brought to her face and saw that it was blood. "How did this happened" she said to herself. PART TWO That evening when Spike was getting ready to go see Robin, he was thinking why the hell was he waiting so long anyway. Why not skip the whole long boring middle part of the plan and get to the end. As he walked out of the warehouse and into the cool night he decided to get a snack before going to see Robin. He walked to a club two blocks away and immediately started searching for a spicy one. There was a girl sitting at the bar giving Spike an I-WANT-YOU look. She wasn't ugly, but wasn't that beautiful either although the form of her body was like the form of a goddess. She had beautiful light brown hair and brown eyes. Spike noticed her stare so he walked over to her and sat at the empty seat next to her. "Hi" she said when he sat down. He said the same. "You new around here? Because if you are, I can show you around."she said in a VERY sexy voice. Spike: Well, maybe you could (he started playing with her hair in a very teasing way. He knew that she wanted him.) But first, you got a name? "Yeah,... the name's Isabella." Spike: That's a beautiful name... seems very innocent, but by the looks of you, you don't seem to be. Isabella: Well thanks. But what shall I call you? Spike: Baby, you can call me whatever you want. Isabella: Really. (smiling) What about Sweet Little Sexy Thang? Spike: What ever you want. Isabella: So how about that tour around town huh? We can start at anywhere you want. The park, the docks, ..... my apartment?(sexy smile on her face) Spike gave a soft laugh. Isabella: So um.... how about it? My apartment? Spike: Your apartment sounds good to me.. Isabella: Good then, it's settled, lets go! They started walking out and into the alley then to the parking lot to where Isabella's corvet was. The whole parking lot was totally deserted. She and Spike were the only ones there. When she turned to unlock her car fumbling with the car keys, Spike got his game face on. He moved her hair away from the left side of her neck and at first started to nibble on it. She let out a little giggle. "So you want to start the action here now huh? There's no one around so maybe there wont be anyone to interupt us." Just then, she looked up to her car window when she was about to open the door and notice how Spike didn't have a reflection although she could feel his body close to her. She found this strange and tried to turn her body to face him, but it was already too late, he had already sank his fangs into her soft creamy skin and was drinking the blood that energized her body. She let out a little gasp and fell to the cement ground. Spike changed back to his human face. He wiped the blood dripping from his lips with his finger then licked it. "Very delicious..... Good-night... love" he said as he turned to walk away with a smirk on his face. PART THREE When Spike had reached General Hospital, it was 9:00 pm. He got to the seventh floor which was where Robin was staying at. When he went in, he could see that Robin was waiting for him. She had a big smile on her face when she saw him. He smiled back at her and walked to her side. He took her hand in his and looked deep into her eyes as if he was going to ask her to marry him. Robin: I'm glad you came. Spike: Of course I came.... why wouldn't I. Robin: (still smiling foolishly) So um... when are you going back to .... where ever it was that you came from? Spike: I was supposed to go tonight.( Reaches out hand to caress her cheek) Robin: You were? ( sounds disappointed) Were you even going to say good-bye to me before you go? Spike smiles at her and doesn't say anything. Robin: You know. This morning when... Brenda told me that you were going to return, I was so happy, and now, you come and tell me that you're leaving.... I don't know what to say. Is there something that I can do to ummm... make you stay?( teasing smile) Spike: Well, I guess that there is. Robin: Really? Spike: Kidding. Sorry to get your hopes up. I don't really want to leave you like this, but I've worn out my welcome. Robin: Well then, since you're going, and I don't know when I'll see you again, I have a confession to make to you. (she gives him a sad smile) Ever since I laid eyes on you, I had this strange feeling inside the pit of my stomach. I ummm... I like you... alot, but um, I'm HIV positive also. Spike looks deep into her eyes and smiles. He takes her face in his hands and says to her, "You are so Beautiful." She smiles back at him. He tilts his head down and gently kisses her on the lips. She kisses him back. A couple of seconds later, he stops kissing her and pulls away still holding her hand. She has a sad look on her face. Her hand slips away from his hand as he backs away from her slowly towards the door. "I guess this is good bye then" Robin says. "No" Spike replies. "It's more like *see you later*." Her head falls gently on her pillow as he walks out the door. He went back to his ware house and got into his car. He drove back to the hospital and went back up to Robin's floor. There really wasn't anyone around except for a nurse who was still doing some filing. Robin seems really heart brokened, but the moment Spike walked in, he seemed to have chased the clouds away. Robin: Did you forget something?(smiling) Spike: Yeah. You. Robin smiles. Spike goes to her and picks her up. She lets out a little gasp. Spike and Robin kisses passionately for about one minute. Robin: What does this mean? Spike: It means I'm taking you with me. Robin: But we'll get in trouble and my uncle and Brenda would be so worr.... Spike: Shhhh. Runaway with me. Take this as a Romeo and Juliet thing except that I'll make you an offer you can't refuse. You'll have to go with me no matter what your answer is. Robin: Hmm. Very pushy. (giggles) Spike kisses her again and then set her down on the bed. He takes his coat off and wraps it around her. He then carries her out of the room quietly so that the nurse don't hear them. They use the fire excape to his car. Spike drove he and her to the warehouse. He goes to her side of the door and picks her up. He carries her into the warehouse. He takes her to what looks like a seetee and sits her down. "Wow, how romantic" she said looking around. "Shhh." he raises one finger to his lips. He tilts his head down to hers and starts kissing her passionately. She kisses him back too. He slowly moves his hand up to her cheek and brushes her hair away from her neck. His hand starts traveling around her body touching each and every part oh so gently. He then takes off her hospital gown and his clothes as well. He kissed and sucked and licked each and every single inch of her warm body. He moved his head up to her breasts and kissed them too then he sank his fangs into them and sucked on the flowing blood while she groaned and moaned almost too softly. He then entered her. She let out a gasp when he did so and when he thrust all of himself inside her, she wrapped her warm silky legs around his so cold body and let out a scream of pleasure. It was almost dawn, but he didn't want to stop making love to her. Now it was time. It was time to turn her into what he was so they could spend the rest of forever with each other. He finally came out of her and looked at her beautiful satisfied face. He kissed her some more then licked her lips with his tongue. He then moved his tongue down her chin to her neck. He couldn't wait any longer, he wanted to finish tasting her so bad. She was so good and satifying to him. As she wrapped her arms around his body, she felt him sucking on her neck, then so suddenly and unexpectedly, she felt as if he had bitten into her. She felt her blood flowing down from the wound, but he was quick and had already drank it all. Spike stood up over her and smiled at her. She could see that Spike was very different now, he didn't look like the Spike she knew or thought she knew. His face was that of a vampire's with a little of her blood dripping from his lips. Now she finally knows who he is and what he is and why he didn't use a condom while making love to her knowing that she had HIV. He was a vampire, a creature of the night and no matter what, he couldn't catch diseases. And now, she was going to be one too... if she didn't die from the loss of blood. A single tear rolled down her cheek, for now, she felt as if she had lost the most important thing in her life... her soul. She could feel it slowly slipping away and something else entering her body slowly, something that was inhuman. She opened her mouth to say something to him, but nothing came out. She was too weak to do anything and was starting to get really cold, as cold as Spike was, although she was sweating and trembling like crazy. She let her eye lids shut and could see what was the big white nothing again. Then the colours started to kick in, there were beautiful trees everywhere and birds singing and all the things there seemed to be really happy. She was walking down the road and at the end of that road she saw a beautiful golden kingdom. A smile crossed her face then when she reached the end of the road, the kingdom was gone, everything was gone. There seemed to be nothing there, but there were some things, there were souls all around her, lost souls. Including her own. Everything disappeared and in reality, she opened her eyes and saw Spike looking down at her, she looked around and saw that she wasn't in the warehouse anymore. She was in a canopy bed in what looks like a bedroom with no signs of the sun shining through, but that was good, because she couldn't stand the sight of light right now, she was weak and was hurting from the hunger inside her stomach, the hunger for blood. Spike: Hello sleeping beauty. Robin: What have you done to me? Spike: Well, let's just say that, I've now improved your life. You don't grow old, you don't die, but you must feed. Also, don't go into the sunlight okay. Robin: Where are we? We're not in Port Charles anymore are we. (trys to get up, but was too weak so she fell back onto the bed.) Spike: No. (gets up from the bed and walks to the closet.) We're in Sunnydale. (pauses) The hellmouth. Inside the closet, Spike takes out a tied up young teenage girl with dark blond hair and drags her to where Robin is. Spike: I know that you must be hungry so look at what I got ( stands up the victim) Breakfast in bed! The girl seems truly frightened and tears were streaming down her face. But Robin didn't care, not anymore. Robin could smell her blood and was rising up to go get her, but since she didn't have enough strength, Spike took it to her instead. As Robin sank her teeth into the girl's neck, the blood came flooding out freely into her mouth. She drank and she drank until there was no more. Her strength seemed to have come back now and she was stronger than ever. She rose up from the bed and walked over to Spike. Spike wrapped his arms around her waist and says, " My dark angel..." Robin smiles and he tilts his head down and his lips meets hers for a very hot passionate kiss. PART FOUR It was a dark and cold night as Robin walked down the street towards the bronze. She had on a leather jacket and leather pants with a tank top on. As she walked in, all heads turned towards her. She thought this must be because she was new in town. She walked over to the bar and sat down looking for a ripe one to eat. Just then, a guy came behind her and whispered in her ear,"So what are your plans for tonight babe?" She turned her head to the man and immediately knew that he was a vampire and that he must know that she was also a vampire, but she was curious why he would come to hit on her knowing that she was already one of his kind and decided to find out. Something didn't feel right, this demon was up to something, but what? "Not unless if you're in those plans, there wouldn't be none." replied Robin. The vamp and Robin walked out of the club towards a red car, suddenly Robin felt a stabbing pain in the back of her head. Her eyes rolled up and everything turned black. The next thing she knew, she was in what looked like a factory or something tied up to a bed. A young woman with dark brown hair carrying a doll walked towards her. Robin knew that this woman was also a vampire, but what did this vampiress want from her. "Are you awake yet darling?" she said. "What do you want from me and why the hell am I here?" Robin replied to her harshly. "Well love, I'm having a party and you're going to host it. I also have some of your friends here with us too." The vampiress went to a room and two vampires brought out Brenda, and Mac. "No!!" cried Robin, but it was too late, the two vampires sank their fangs into the two mortals' necks. The vamps dropped their bodies to the floor as a tear rolled down Robin's cheek. Spike had to come and save her she thought. Spike WILL come and he'll take her into his arms and they'll ride off into the night. Just then the vampiress came and wiped Robin's tears away. "Don't worry Love, Spike wont be so lonely without you, because he doesn't love you. The only one he loves is me!" she shrieked. "Who... are... you???!!?" Robin cried out hysterically. "Me? You can call me Dru and say hello to Miss Edith." Drusilla said with an eerie smile pointing to the doll. Just then, a vampire came into the room and said, "It's time." "Alright" Drusilla said and untied Robin. Drusilla dragged Robin to a cage and threw her in. Two vampires pulled a chain and she started going up. The sunlight blinded her eyes and burned her body, then there was nothing left of her, but some ashes that fell to the floor of Drusilla's feet. PART FIVE Spike was surfing the channels wondering why Robin wasn't back yet, it was already day. But she was a big girl, she can take care of herself he hopes. He'll have to wait til night falls to go look for her, but in the mean time, he has to do something to keep his mind off of his worrying for her. He sits back and continues to surf the channels. Meanwhile, in the warehouse where Dru and the other vamps were at... Drusilla steps on Robin's ashes as if they weren't even there. "Short party, but... it was fun, seeing such a beautiful girl like that die a terrible death, one who also happens to be Spike's beau." she said with a giggle. She walks away from the whole mess waiting for Spike to come that night. Night has fallen now so Spike is getting ready to set out looking for her. Once he finds her, boy is Spike going to punish her for being so naughty! It has been a several hours now and was almost dawn, still, Robin has not been spotted, maybe she came back to the loft. Spike goes back to the loft and searches for Robin, but does not find her. Now he is definitely worried. Robin is nowhere to be sighted in all the places he thought she may be in. He walks to the bed to lie down and suddenly a thought hits his mind. He quickly storms out and into the night. As Drusilla sits in front of the door with a smile on her face dressed in the most beautiful dress ever, the one Spike has always liked on her, she starts to hum softly twirling the hair around her finger. Suddenly as what Drusilla has hoped for, Spike storms in with rage. Drusilla gets up slowly taking her time and walks over to him. She presses her body against his and wraps her left arm around his neck and her right arm, gently wrapping itself around Spike's waist. "I knew you would come back, my sweet" says Dru in a sexy voice. Spike gently pushes her away " I'm not in the mood to play games tonight Dru. Now where's Robin??!!" Dru: (Drusilla turns her back to Spike and starts fiddeling with Miss Edith's hair) Oh her. Well, my love, if you're lookin for "Robin" I suggest you give up, cause she's not here anymore. Spike: (Gives a sarcastic smile and closes his eyes. He says softly now) Dru, what have you done with her? Dru: I didn't do anything to her, we were having a party and she just couldn't get the hang of it so we let her go... if, you know what I mean. You can tell that Spike is very angry at Dru right now because of the pumping veins in his forehead and neck. He walks over to Drusilla and rubs her arms caressingly to show her that he' s not mad although he is. Dru: (says in a sad voice, so sad, you could almost feel sorry for her) You know, when you left Sunnydale, you left something else behind. Spike: And what's that baby? Dru: Me. I thought you loved me and would do anything for me, but you just left. And now that you are back, ( turns to face him looking deep into his eyes as if trying to hynotize him) maybe we can work things out. Spike: You're right baby, I mean, what relationship does not have problems, problems you can work out. I was bad and rude, but now, I'm back! Dru: So you'll give it another try? Spike: Of course. Anything for you... princess. Dru: (smiles wickedly up at Spike) My dark knight in shining armor. Spike laughs quietly like he always does and lifts her up and carries her to the bed while kissing her. He removes her clothes as well as his own and begins licking her cold body. From the lips down the neck down to and around her breasts and to her thighs. He goes back up to her lips as he enters her gently. She moans softly and her body language motioned for more. Of course Spike was not going to stop. It was during this beautiful love making that he started thinking about Robin and how he thought he loved her so, but the real truth was that he was still in love with Drusilla and no one can ever take her place in his heart, not Robin, not anyone. He felt a little guilty though. Playing with Robin like that just so that he can get over Dru. But now that it was all over, nothing was going to stop him and his affections for Dru anymore, nothing and on one, for he had loved Drusilla all along. PART SIX That night in Port Charles, Jason was lying in bed trying to get to sleep. He was worried as hell about Robin and now her uncle and Brenda was also missing. Maybe they went to find Robin. Jason could not understand it. With all his connections and he couldn't find one little trace of where Robin could be at. He said to himself, " Robin. Where are you?" Later that night when Jason finally fell asleep, he had a dream, he dreamed that he was at a funeral. He walked up to the coffin and peered in. He saw three bodies. They all looked like Brenda, Mac, and Robin. Jason was shocked. He did not know that Robin's disappearance would ever lead to this. Suddenly, Robin's eye lids opened and she smiled up at Jason. He looked to see if Brenda and Mac had done the same, but they were no where to be sighted. It was just him and Robin all alone in that church. Robin rose up and walked over to Jason. Tears streamed down her face as she hugged him tightly. Jason hugged her back. She pulled away from him and looked around her then back at him. Jason could see that the coffin had transformed itself into a kingsize canopy bed. Robin walked back to him and held his hand. "Robin", Jason said, "Where have you been? I've been so worried about you!" " Well, I'm here now." Robin replied as she reached up to kiss him. They were both locked in a passionate kiss for a few minutes that seemed like years. While still kissing him, Robin lead Jason to the bed and pulled him on top of her. They finally stop kissing and she says to him softly, " Make love to me...." Jason looked down at her one last time before his lips met hers. As he kissed her hungrily, he moves his hand up her thighs pulling up the dress. He stops kissing her and looks down on her again. She gives him an innocent, sweet smile. He moves his lips to her ear lobes and nibbles them. He gently pushes himself inside of her going in and out and in and out as she moans softly. He closes his eyes and continues making love to her. He could still feel himself in ecstacy. He opens his eyes and sees that he is not making love to her anymore although he can still feel her. He sees someone else in bed with Robin. He looks closely and sees Spike. He is making love to Robin now. Spike looks down at Robin then turns his head towards Jason and smiles at him mockingly. Spike opens his mouth and Jason sees fangs, Spike's face has changed somehow. Jason looks at them with a shocked expression on his face. Spike stops making love to her and pulls away from her. He gets out of the bed, the next thing Jason notices, he's disappeared. Robin is still in the room though exhausted from love making. Jason goes to her and touches her face, but his hand goes right through her. He stares in disbelief. He backs away and hears the door opening. A girl with dark brown hair wearing a white dress walks up to Robin. She takes a sword out and plunges it into Robin's heart. Robin gasps and looks towards Jason. Jason runs to her and tries to stop everything and stop the girl, but once again, he goes right through them. Something terrible has happened and Jason can't do anything about it. Robin disappears. Now it's only him and the girl in the room. The girl sits on the bed looking around then Spike comes back. He pushes her onto the bed and starts tearing her clothes off. He fucks her wildly. She screams and cries in pleasure. Her cries are locked in Jason's mind. He can't stop it. Finally, he stirs in bed and the dream starts to fade. He wakes up and hears Michael crying. Jason walks out of his bedroom and goes to comfort Michael. Now that Carly was locked up in a mental institution, he wasn't sure if Carly was going to get Michael back. Jason feels kind of sorry for A.J. for he also thought that A.J. needed to know that Michael was really his son. " We're going to find her Michael. We're going to find Robin." Jason says to Michael as he rubs Michael's back. PART SEVEN Spike looks over at Drusilla's sleeping face. His dark angel. She looked so beautiful to him. So innocent and pure not to mention exhausted. He reaches his hand over to Drusilla's cheek and caresses it. She stirs, but doesn't wake up. He looks around for his pack of cigarettes. He spots them on top of a chair. He gets up to go get them. He lights up his cigarette and walks back to bed. He pulls Drusilla closer to him as he continues to smoke. Just then, Angelus comes into the room surprised to see Spike. "Spike." Angel says sarcasticly. "Didn't think you'd have the guts to come back here after what you did to Dru. Ditching her like that, leaving her WHINING for me to listen to." "Well mate, I'm back now so I suggest you get the bloody hell away from here before I do something worst to you than that one particular last time." Spike says as he reaches over for the ash tray. Drusilla stirs in bed again and now opens her eyes. She sees Spike staring coldly at Angel. She was about to get up to go hug Angel, but he had already stormed out. Spike lights up another cigarette while Drusilla just looks at Spike. Spike takes a puff and looks over at Drusilla. "What is it baby?" he says softly. "What did Angel want, pet?" Drusilla replies. Spike doesn't answer her or looks at her for that matter. Drusilla senses that Spike is really ticked off that Angel came there so she quiets down and sinks into the bed. Spike gets dressed and walks out leaving Dru laying there all awkward and everything. Spike sees Angel leaving through the hole that leads to the sewers and so, Spike follows him. Angel stops in his tracks when he hears Spike's boots hit the splashing sewer water. He turns toward Spike and smiles mockingly. " You know", Spike says making his way to Angel, " I don't want to catch you flirting with Dru again like those times you did when I was disabled and rolling around." He walks up really close to Angel. So close that they're almost touching. "And one more thing. I'm kind of surprised the slayer hasn't found a way to get you your soul back yet." Spike smiles at him and turns to walk away. Angel growls and grabs him. Spike turns around and twists Angel's arm. He pushes Angel away. Angel stumbles down into the water as Spike walks over to him. Spike grabs Angel's neck and lifts him up. " I have to say mate. You've seem to have lost your touch after that time I WHOOPED your ass." Spike was about to snap Angel's head off when an arrow hits his back. Angel gets out of his hold and falls down on to the water again touching his neck trying to get the feeling in it again. Spike turns towards where the arrow came from and laughs quietly. He couldn't believe it. All this time and she finally steps up to him again. " Slayer! " Spike says smiling, " Long time no see!" He pulls the arrow out of his back and walks towards her. "You and Angel were just too busy reminiscing, I just had to get your undivided attention." says Buffy sarcasticly. "Fine then. You want to get it over with, I want to get it over with, ....... we ALL want to get it over with, so bring it on baby" replies Spike as he gets his demonic face on. They both hear water splashing and turns to look at Angel who had just scampered away foolishly. "No. " Buffy says instantly. "I did not come here to fight you Spike. I came here get your attention because I need your help. You see, if you help me get Angel's soul back, he wont bother you any more and I wont bother you any more if you get out of here. And so, we all live happily ever after." Spike gives Buffy a serious look then closes his eyes. He opens them and starts to laugh to himself. " What ? " Buffy says with a face. "OKay okay okay okay!!" says Spike, "You want me to help you THEN you'll leave us alone. What are you..... kidding me? First of all, I can handle Angelus all by myself thank you very much. And second, I'm not as stupid as you look.... my dear SLAYER!!! " Spike couldn't help himself, some slayer. Coming to ask the one demon who is set out to kill her for his help. Buffy made a face and just stared at him. " Well, what's your answer Spike? " Spike stares at her for a few minutes then punches her hard on the face. " I take that as a no." says Buffy. "One way or another" Spike pauses, "Only one of us is going to get out of here.... ALIVE. And might I add, I love bragging about the slayers I slay." Buffy gets up and they both starts fighting. Buffy takes a stake out of her jacket and prepares to stake him. Spike chuckles and kicks the stake out of her hand. He picks up a metal bar and prepares to strike Buffy's head with it as Buffy stares up at him hopelessly. " I was right. You're not the begging kind. Close your eyes, this is gonna hurt." Spike says as he starts to bring the bar down. Right when the bar was about to hit Buffy's head, Spike felt a stab of pain in his arm which was holding the bar. He drops the bar and turns around to see who could be shooting bullets at him. Buffy looks over too. About ten feet away. Jason was standing there holding a gun pointed directedly at Spike's heart. The pain in his arm still throbbed. Spike knew immediately that these weren't just any kind of bullets. They were the kind designed to repell and iliminate Spike's kind. "Who are you? " Buffy says. Jason doesn't answer her. He's focused on Spike. Just then, Spike hears Drusilla crying and the smell of burning up above him in the warehouse. He looks up and prepares to jump for the ladder so he can go save Drusilla, but Jason shoots him again and again. Spike falls down into the water. "Wow, I didn't think bullets could kill a vampire." buffy says as Jason grabs her arm and pulls her away from the mess. "Come on. Let's get out of here." Spike looks up and pulls Buffy's leg hard. Buffy falls also and Spike starts to get up to go save Dru again, but a piece of some big wood falls on top of the hole blocking Spike from going in. Jason laughs at Spike. "I know what you're thinking and you're right" Jason stops talking and refills his gun with the vampire repelling bullets as Spike just watches then continues again. " Revenge is sweet. You played with Robin's heart then you let your little girlfriend kill her. Now your little girlfriend is going to die as well as you!" He was about to fire at Spike again when Drusilla ( all dirty from the smoke) pounced onto Jason. She was about to bite him when Buffy stabbed the stake into her heart. She drops down and walks over to Spike. " Good night love" said Dru sadly, and turned into dust. Buffy helps Jason to his feet and looks to where Spike was, but he wasn't there any more. He had scampered away long before they heard or knew anything. "Lets go! " says Buffy. She and Jason walked out of the sewers together and he delivered her to her house in his limo with him for he did not want the same thing that happened to Robin to happen to any one else. The next day when the ware house had been burn down. Jason went back there and this time with his bodyguards. He looked around the ruins trying to find some way to say good bye to Robin when suddenly, something caught his eye. He walked over and saw Robin as bright and glowing as ever. She was so beautiful wearing a long white dress with a train and had the most warmest smile on her face. A tear rolled down Jason's cheek as he reached out his hand to touch her. His hand didn't go through her. She felt real and warm and loving. "I have to go now" she said, " Take care Jason" and then, she faded slowly. Jason looked to where she was standing and on the floor saw some ashes. The ashes must have been her ashes he thought. He had them sweeped up and the next day he went to the Sunnydale Cemetary and had it buried. He had Robin's picture put on the tombstone so she would always be remembered as the beautiful, sweet and innocent girl that she always was. "Good bye Robin." Jason said as a tear rolled down his cheek, "For now anyway. I guess I'll see you next lifetime". As he turned and walked back to his limo, someone was watching him. When after he drove away, the person came out and set a flower on top of Robin's grave. "Yeah. Good bye Robin. You must have meant alot to him, but now you can rest in peace and he can move on with his life." The person turned to walk away also and we can all see that it is Buffy. IT IS "THE END" FOR THIS STORY, AND ANOTHER SHALL CONTINUE FROM IT. ******************* SO...................... To be Continued........................... Preview of the story that'll continue.... Like in this story, "I Guess I'll See You Next Lifetime", no body knows what has happened to Spike and what he will do now that the two woman in his life has been slayed. So basically, the next story will tell JUST that, ... ONE CENTURY later!!!!!