The Seventeen Interview As reported by Gayle Foreman. This months' spotlight falls on a cool new band that you've no doubt heard about- Blood 'N Stakes. Ever since their hit single Loosing You, statred climbing up the charts a few weeks ago, it hasn't stopped. Gayle sat down to talk with the band about music, love and life (she got some very interesting answers!). Gayle: All right, why don't you introduce yourselves? Spike: Well, this is Buffy Summers, 17, and she's our drummer, this is Angel, 242, uh, I mean 24, he's keyboard, Xander Harris, 17, guitar, and Oz, 18, also guitar, this is Willow, 17, our manager, Cordelia, our make-up and costume designer, 17, and Drusilla, ex-songwriter and now groupie, aren't you ducks? (kisses her) and I'm Spike, lead singer. Gayle: Well, uh, how did you meet? Angel: Long, long, very interesting story. Xander: Beg to differ, I think it's extremly boring, Dead Boy. Gayle: Dead Boy? Buffy: Another story. Anyway, first Angel met Drusilla, drove her insane- Angel: (interrupting) Not literaly, of course (laughs nervously.). Dru: Look at all the pretty stars. Where's miss. Edith? It's almost tea-time! Oz: Uh, she likes to pretend. Spike: Anyway, back to the story. Then he made, uh, met, yeah, met me, and I started dating Dru (he had Darla then) but then he bloody lost his soul- Willow: (interrupting)- Uh, a metaphor. He got involved in bad things. Like, uh, gangs, on PCP, and, uh, stuff. Buffy: Yeah. Anyway, long, long time after, he met me, because of, uh, work! And me, Xander, Oz, Willow and Cordy went to school together. Gayle: When did the idea of becoming a band first come into your heads? Drusilla: When my Angel wanted to destroy the world, and... Cordy: Uh, Dru, why don't we go, find, uh, some nice dead daisies? (She leaves, Dragging Drusilla away. Everybody is relieved.) Spike: Me and the bloody Slayer teamed up to stop Angelus, and we made an excuse to her mother that involved us being in a band together. Then it just sort of evolved from there. Gayle: What are your mottos? Buffy: Seize the moment, cause tommorow you might be dead. Angel: Stay away from gypsies. Willow: Safety first- if you're going to cast a spell, make sure you guard your perimiter. Xander: See the world through sarcastic eyes! Oz: Don't let anybody bite you- you might pick up some terrible desease. Cordelia: (who is back, but without Drusilla): Always use moisterizer, even if the world is going to get sucked into hell. Spike: Idiot mobs are bad. Where's pet? Cordelia: Oh, she found this toddler and offered to take him to the playground. Buffy: And you let her? Spike, go bring her back! (Spike leaves). Gayle: So, what about your love lives? Angel: Well, I used to date Drusilla, then I dated Buffy, then I dated Dru again, and now I'm with Buffy. Xander: I used to pretend I was dating Buffy, but now I'm going out with Cordelia. Cordy: Yeah, broadcast it on national television! Uh, he's joking! Everybody?! Willow: I used to have a crush on Xander, but now I'm dating Oz. Oz: Aren't I lucky? Buffy: Yeah, and Cordy used to have a crush on Angel. Cordelia: I did not! Buffy: Please! You were all over him. It was disgusting! Gayle: Uh, on another topic, Spike and Drusilla, you're back! Are you two from England? Spike: Yeah, we're both from London, and Angel's from Ireland. We eventually moved to the Hellmouth. Gayle: Hellmouth? Willow: Uh, nickname, pet name, for uh, Sunydale. Inside joke. Ha ha ha. Gayle: Influences? Angel: Napoleon, Beethoven and the Spice Girls. Spike: Billy Idol and Hitler. I adore the man! Oz: I don't have any influences. Except Willow inspires all my love songs. Drusilla: Miss Edith! And daisies, and miss. Sunshine! Gayle: Favourite movie? Buffy: Muffy the demon hunter. Angel: Interview with the vampire. God, I can relate to that! Willow: Star Wars. Cordelia: Clueless. I so identify with Cher. Xander: Anything with a lot of nude, beatiful women. Dru: Barney. It's so scary, it makes me shiver.... Gayle: Favourite actor, actress? Buffy: Garah Michelle Mellar. The one from Muffy. Xander: Pamela Lee Anderson. Spike: I don't really have a favourite, but my fave author's Anne Rice. I love her books. Uh, not, uh, that I read them, of course. Please bloody forget I ever said that? Xander: You like Anne Rice, you like Anne Rice! Spike: You know, I hear there's train tracks near here. I bet they have really nice railroad spikes. Xander: I'm shutting up. Gayle: Ok, last question. If you could go back in time, which year would you choose? Angel: The year I was changed. Buffy: The year before that. Xander: Back when dead boy was still human, then I could beat him up. Angel: Uh, human being, uh, a metaphor. For a, a teenager. I was really short when, uh, I was 16. Drusilla: The year I was changed. I could save Little Anne. Gayle: Ok, well, thank you for all those metaphors! I wish you a lot of luck. Everyone: Thank you! The End