Fond Memories By Mercurial Cricket Part Three * * * * * Disclaimer- These characters, unfortunately are not my own. What is mine is the story, because it came from my warped imagination. It is my own speculation of how Spike and Dru met. So be kind. Rewind. ;) * * * * * Drusilla ran to him. "My Angel!" she exclaimed as he opened his arms to her. "Drusilla, have you been causing mischief?" He asked grinning. "No." she smiled beguilingly as he kissed her forehead. Spike looked for a quick escape route, but could find none. He stood against a far wall watching to two. But not in fear so much as fascination. "Who are you?" he asked. "My name is Angelus, and this is my.... daughter, Drusilla. Who are you? And how did you come to know my Drusilla?" Angel's face reverted to normal as he stepped closer to William. "My name's William. I saved her from an angry mob. They were going to burn her at the stake. I thought she was beautiful. I couldn't let them kill her." Angel stepped closer. "You have a good eye for beauty. Well done. As a reward, I may let you live." Drusilla stepped up to a nervous looking William and said to Angel, "Let me have 'im. I want to play." Angel laughed. "All right, but play nice. Ok?" "Of course" Drusilla smiled. And raked the front of William's chest with her nails. He inhaled sharply, watching her. "Come now William, my William, let me make you happy. I can make you like me...." Her eyes went sad for a moment. Then she leaned in close to him and licked his cheek. He recoiled smiled an evil smile and took her roughly in his arms. "Make me whatever you like." He said. "I'm yours." She led him to the bed and sat him down. Then standing in front of him she leaned down to his neck and sunk her teeth in. At first William tensed at the pain, but soon it grew into a warm strange feeling. Like electricity being given off. He yearned for more. For it never to stop, but Soon he was weak from loss of blood. Mercifully she stopped drinking and licked her lips. He pulled a strained smile for her. "William. Did I hurt you?" She asked stroking his cheek. "Not at all love. I like pain." He smiled again. Angel watched from a corner of the room. He was glad to see his Drusilla happy. Then quietly he slipped out unnoticed. "Here now." Drusilla motioned for William to rest his head in her lap. He did. She hummed a little song and ran her long fingers through his short hair. After some minutes she took her fingernail and laid open her veins to replenish him temporarily. He drank obediently. As he did he thought about how he had become completely in love with this woman from the first time he saw her. How funny life was sometimes. He knew that they would be together for as long as their lives would entail. He stopped drinking and released her. He made sure he didn't drink too much. She was weak enough now from the mob. After a few moments he felt immense pain in his heart, it shot through his body and he convulsed on the floor. Drusilla stood back watching in a slight wonder. She had never seen this happen before, but she knew it was only his soul dying and the demon taking over. Soon he would be strong again. She continued to watch as his face contorted in pain and a green light shone through his eyes, and shot out of his fingers and lips. The demon had taken up residence in William's body. Then, suddenly all was still. And William opened his eyes and smiled. He looked up at Drusilla standing over him. He stood and took her roughly into a kiss. Forgetting that she was still quite fragile. After releasing her, she stood there and looked at her new creation a little longer. Then she put a hand to her head and swayed on her feet. William caught her and laid her on the bed. "Now, you lay here and rest while I go and get you a present." She nodded and let him tuck her in. Then he asked, "What would you like Daddy to bring you?" "I want a new dolly" she murmured sleepily. When she had fallen asleep, Spike slipped out of the room quietly and took another way up to the quiet city streets. He wandered through the now empty main square and looked at all the lighted windows. He walked past them all, the shoe-maker's, the baker's and the candle stick-maker's till he reached the end of the row and stood before the doll maker's shop. The shop's window was brightly lit and filled with handmade dolls in luxurious fabrics. He put his hand on door and went inside. The doll maker, a heavy set, middle aged man looked up from his work bench; where he was making a new doll, when Spike entered. "Can I help you?" The old man asked. Spike's eye wandered around the shop's shelves of elegant dolls and then back to the doll maker. "Yes. I am looking for a very special doll." he answered. "Well then," said the doll maker. "You have come to the right place. All these dolls are made from the finest brocades, linens, silks, velvets and lace. Do you see anything that attracts your attention?" The plump man smiled as Spike gazed around the store again. Spike walked around touching dresses and hair and hands of the dolls looking for the perfect one for his new princess. Finally one caught his eye. It sat high on a self looking regal and almost arrogant and yet slightly shy. She had high emphasized cheekbones, supple pink lips, nearly black eyes and it's curly blonde hair was tied back with a red velvet ribbon that matched the cream dress with vibrant red pinstripes. "Beautiful..." he muttered. It's Nobel essence reminded him of Drusilla. END PART THREE