Fond Memories By Mercurial Cricket Part Two * * * * * Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me unfortunately. They belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and all other affliated companies. No copyright infringments intended. All other characters, such as the mob and the doll maker and Jasmine Rose, belong to their creator, me. Hope you all enjoy and on to the story. * * * * * Drusilla looked at him, mesmorized by the pulsing veins in his neck and wrist. She reached over and ran a finger along his temple, down the side of his cheek. "Oh, you are a beauty my little prince. My William." she whispered. He stared at her, suprised. He shivered at her touch and the nearness of her. Her touch sent electrical sparks coursing through him. He had never felt this way... He wondered why he felt this way now. "How did you know my name?" he asked. "You'd be suprised at what I know. The voices in my head tell me many things." She giggled a melodious laugh and then her face fell and she put a hand to her forehead, leaning over. She looked as though she were going to be sick. "What is it love? Are you alright?" "I miss my mummy...." she whimpered. He put his arms around her. "There, there love. It's alright." She rested her head on his shoulder, in the hollow of his neck. He laid his head on hers. "There, there...." He stopped and rocked her for a while. Then her sat up. "Here now. You need to eat." He stood and went to a table where some bread and cheese laid on a pewter plate. "That kind of food won't help me love." She whispered in a meloncoly voice as she stared at his neck. "What will then? What shall I get you?" he asked eager to please. "Come sit with me and let me tell you a story my mummy told me." she answered coyly. He went to the bed and sat down. "Tell me a story then." Drusilla smiled and spoke. "There is something in the darkness that haunts the human race. They are demons and the things that hunt little children by hiding underneath the bed.... Have you ever seen one?" She didn't wait for an answer before continuing. "Mummy use to speak of a creature that drank the blood of the living to survive. They don't have souls like angels. My Angel doesn't have a soul." "You mean Vampires? Vampires don't exist." He said defiantly, yet intriged at the distance in her eyes. She ignored him. "Mummy died that night when she tucked me into bed. He came and took her heart. I was afraid but he said it was ok. I believed him, but then he killed Daddy too. And Auntie and my cousin. But it's ok now." She smiled at him and looked him over. Then she leaned over as he looked on in shock. Her face had changed. In a way he had not ever seen. He had seen her by the torch light of the mob, but he thought it was trick of light then. When he had rescued her she loooked normal. But he knew then that she was nowhere near normal. He scooted back on the bed. Drusilla looked at him with sad puppy dog eyes. "What is the matter love? You don't recognize me." "What the hell are you?" he asked getting up off the bed. "I'm a princess." she smiled innocently. "She's a vampire." A voice came from the entrance of the room. Spike looked up, but could not see the face of the speaker. He looked quite pale. "Vampires don't exist." he stammered. "We dont?" questioned the voice. The figure stepped into the candle light. Revealing an elegantly clad man with a freakish face. END PART TWO