* * * * * Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me unfortunately. They belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and all other affliated companies. No copyright infringments intended. All other characters, such as the mob and the doll maker and Jasmine Rose, belong to their creator, me. Hope you all enjoy and on to the story. * * * * * Note: I recently found out about who's sire is really who's so I have revamped (forgive the pun) the story. * * * * * William wandered down the once quiet streets of Prague. They were not quiet now. The Sun had set and a large gangly mob had settled in the main square around a post surrounded by firewood. There would be bloodshed tonight. The mob was quite angry. As William looked on he saw that tied to the post there was a beautiful woman. Her hair was a dark brown that shimmered in the torch light and her eyes were as dark as coal. Her slender body was swathed in a simple pesants dress. He recognized her. It was the same woman who caught his attention in the market yesterday night.... She had been the one who watching him.... She had captured his attention from the start. Oh she was a beauty. Drusilla twisted against the ropes that bound her. She was scared and didn't know what was happening. Her brain was in a scramble of panic and overwhelming fear. She felt like an animal trapped in a cage. Then distantly she saw the man who she had been watching yesterday evening in the market place.... "I renounce this demon and banish it back to hell...." A priest stood off to one side of Drusilla reading from a Bible and holding a cross at her while she writhed in pain as the demon in her fought. "And the Lord's wrath shall come and send all of the demons of Satan back into Hell!" The priest got louder and William was even starting to squirm. He had to do something. He couldn't let her die. Drusilla shreiked and cried incoherancies. Her vampire features showed through and the crowd retreated slightly into the night shadows. Even the priest seemed taken aback. "Demon of the night, who feasts on human souls, you shall feed no more!" He looked up at Drusilla before going on. Then, reading from the Bible he said, "And he shall smite the wicked and send them into the fiery pits!" With he took a torch from a near by mob member and laid it to the dry, waiting wood. Drusilla screamed a cry so horrifying that it cut through William's cold and dormant heart. With that he charged the crowd. He leapt up onto the soon to be burned wood of Drusilla's funeral pyre and tore the ropes that held her with one slash of a knife he kept in his boot. Picking her up he leaped off the wood and snatched a torch, knocking the priest down onto the stone pavement. With the girl in his arms he fled with her into the night followed by the angry mob. Down streets, alleys and gangways he rushed with an unconcious Drusilla in his arms. She was so weak and frail that she passed out. But she was getting heavy and he had to get her to a safe place. The mob followed close behind and he thought they were finished. But then, he saw salvation up ahead. It was the abandon old Town hall. The place was crawling with catacombs from a war gona by. He picked up speed and finally made it inside and to a back room. Kneeling down on the floor he laid his unconcious charge down. Then he opened up the trapdoor near an old firplace. He could hear the mob trying to squeeze inside. Desperately he tried to wake Drusilla. No Joy. She was out cold and he could hear the mob, or as many that could fit, out in the hallway. They were coming closer. He shook and prodded her to get her to arise. Then... Slowly for what seemed like hours, she lethargecally opened her sad eyes and looked at Spike. "Daddy?" she asked confusedly, "Daddy, I had a bad dream..." She whimpered with tearfilled eyes. *Oh God she's beautiful!* He thought. Then scolded himself. *This is not the place. If you don't get out of here, she will be beautifully dead.* He held out his arms to her. "Come here princess...* he called as gently as he could. "Come here and tell me all about it..." She slowly crawled toward him and he snatched her up and carried her down into the endless maze of tunnels that spread out underneath the town square. Once he knew they were safe, he set her down and took her hand. He led her to a large hollowed out room. Candles of all sizes decorated the room filled with a canopy bed, an old trunk, a few chairs and a night stand topped with a pitcher of water and wash basin. She looked around in a childlike wonder. Outcasts and criminals have used the catacombs as a place of sanctity for hundreds of years. Ever since William had run into debt he had fled here to escape. The walls flickered with shadows from the candle light. He led Drusilla to the bed and sat her down. "My hero." She said so sensually, that it send chills up his spine. "Anytime luv." He replied as nonchalantly as he could. "Now, you lay down and I'll find you something to eat." He patted her head. "But I'm not hungry...." Her soft voice trailed off and her eyes were downcast. William sat down next to her. "Now, kitten, you need to eat something. You're so weak. You'll waste away." He lifted her chin and looked into the black pools of midnight that were her eyes. "Come on now... Eat something for Daddy..." He asked softly. "Only if you bring me a present." She said coyly. "After you eat, I promise I will bring you a present. Alright?" She smiled and nodded like an obediant child. END PART ONE